Champions are Made

301 Words / Reading time of 1 minutes and 19 seconds


Champions are not the ones who always win races—champions are the ones who get out there and try. And try harder the next time. And even harder the next time. “Champion” is a state of mind. They are devoted. They compete to best themselves as much if not more than they compete to best others. ~Simon Sinek

In my mentoring business I show people who are stuck in life, stuck in business, stuck in relationships that more often than not, what they are missing is focus. That sounds over-simplified but I promise you, it’s that. What I do with an athlete as a coach, or with a client as a mentor is show them how to prioritize, to weed out the noise in their life—to do what it is they say they want, with little room for all the other nonsense their peers and marketers tell them they should do or want.

And each time, it never changes, it never grows old for me, they come back to me after a few months of work and tell me, “You were right. I’ve achieved the goal that I could not for so long. Thank you!”

But I’m not right. I did not invent this process. I am merely a student of it. I myself would love to have back 20 or so years where I chased the noise before I became a Champion in life.

What separates a Champion in life, in sports, from those that say they want to be a Champion is the ability to focus and to deliver on the promises they made to themselves. Life certainly does not have to be one-dimensional, but for a moment in time, Champions will have singular focus and an intensity about them that few can match.

Are you a Champion?

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